Jumat, 09 Maret 2012

gile .. dari CANTIK jadi MONSTER !

This eccentric girl did an auricle surgery to make her ears pointed, resembling elves from fairytales. Christina, previously famous for having not less than a hundred lip-enlarging injections since the age of 17, the total cost of which was about £4,000, is now covering her body with piercing and tattoos. She also plans to enlarge her breasts to the DD size.

That’s how she looked before:
1Christina Keeps On Changing Her Appearance
2Christina Keeps On Changing Her Appearance
3Christina Keeps On Changing Her Appearance
And here’s how she looks now:
4Christina Keeps On Changing Her Appearance
5Christina Keeps On Changing Her Appearance
6Christina Keeps On Changing Her Appearance
7Christina Keeps On Changing Her Appearance
8Christina Keeps On Changing Her Appearance
9Christina Keeps On Changing Her Appearance

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